Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Simplicity Slip Chair Cover

Even as I started this blog, I decided that Red Dead Redemption should be the first game that I rate in any way. And today is the day:

Red Dead Redemption

: The new blockbuster from

after the game GTA 4 of 2008, is titled Classix Vol.1 Red Dead Redemption and traded the big city setting with the wild west end of the 19th Century. From car is
horse. From
MP is bolt action.
From Gangster is Outlaw.
: John Marston, a former member of a gang of outlaws who deserved to bank robberies and various other misdeeds of their money trying to start a new life after leaving him his partner after an injury. After he and his wife and his son settled on a farm, it brings plötzlich seine Vergangenheit ein, wobei ihn ein Agent der US-amerikanischen Regierung dazu zwingt seine ehemaligen Kollegen zu fangen. Um seine Familie zu retten muss er diese finden, obwohl er direkt beim ersten Versuch ein schwere Verletzung erhält, fängt er ganz von unten an und beginnt sich durch die weite Prärie des letzten Fleckens US-Amerikas und Mexikos zuarbeiten, wobei er für allerlei zum Teil schrägen Typen Aufgaben zu erfüllen hat. Die vielen Parallelen zu GTA 4 sind hierbei nur ein kleiner Kratzer auf der Fassade dieses Westerns.

Grafik/Sound : Zwar ist RDR nicht die Perfektion in terms of graphics, but the horses are so realistically designed, but that one comes to wonder. Better than GTA 4, the graphics are alright, but you can see still some blemishes, especially in the vast desert landscape that has baked in some places. In addition, the game appears to have just in poker games or entering of Blackwater not want to load textures, which look like straight people like coarse polygon clusters. Otherwise, the sight, just at sunset, to look really beautiful and even invites you to a pointless ride through the area. The music leaves something not to do, but it makes you want all the old songs of films like A Fistful of Dollars
, The glorious Seven and the legendary game me to hear the song of death and to dive into a genre that is, except the death train to Yuma produces almost no more.


8.5 / 10


beginner-friendly design, the control: Automatic goals and Dead Eye mode, it will also create the inexperienced shooters to land. Also, the riding is made surprisingly awesome as the horse has a maximum level of endurance, affects riding abilities even more on the speed aus. Nur in Kampfsequenzen dreht das Spiel ein wenig durch und das Verstecken hinter Felsen wird zur Unmöglichkeit, die relativ schnell zum Tode führt. Tastenfunktionen wurden von GTA 4 übernommen. Hinzu kam jedoch die eben genannte Technik: Das Dead-Eye, welches einem ermöglicht seine Gegner taktisch zu dezimieren. Zwar ist das ganze nicht mit dem V.A.T.S von Fallout 3 zu vergleichen, da man mit dem Dead Eye eine begrenzte Zeit hat, doch macht sies gerade den Reiz aus. Punkte:
9/10 Umfang:

Neben der packenden Story gibt es natürlich auch noch vieles mehr zu entdecken. Dazu gehören neben the numerous side missions and the hunt for convicts, they have somewhere holed up in districts. The gaming fan is very happy if: have poker, blackjack, poker dice or horseshoes. Here are the mini games of GTA 4 reacted perfectly and by the variety is much more fun. In addition to the running or riding one has the possibility of a stagecoach, which serves as a taxi, or take the train to your destination, the train can be capsized while driving. The game world itself is neither huge nor small, a mixture of all climate zones and the day-night cycle makes the game more authentic and a sweetened one or another long journey. In addition, you can earn a few dollars by hunting all sorts of animals, where they encounter bears, hyenas or elk. The online modes are both in a mode outdoors, on the other hand, divided into separate disciplines in which we can compete with others. But that was certainly not all, but to me this cornucopia of options just kills, so I stop here and the points awarded as follows fails:

points: 10/10

incredible what Rockstar Games has produced here! I have an eternity used to play through this masterpiece, because I was too busy with poker games and catch bandits. Nevertheless, I was convinced the game so much that I started it right again. The few graphics bugs stall or do not bother me great to me very convinced the action, the reach of today's increasingly rare times such a high-level Epicness.

points: 9,5 / 10
Conclusion: really said it all my own opinion about this game. It's simply nothing wrong, even if one is to doubt the necessity of money something. The mix of GTA and Western is just the perfect Pastime for a long time. The video game God heard me, he gave me a really good game.

points: 46.5 / 50

Status: Epic

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dale Earnhardt Wilson Leather Coat

I am not the man in general has something for school, but I doubt very often the stuff of us are taught. And the double year of even a breeze. What I remember of it all I will remember in a few years ago, but I know already areas which one might be described as something unnecessary, or are considered to be superficial. A few examples I have for you now in stock:

: Yes, math is always such a thing. No sooner you have a topic on it already follows the other way around on Stochastic Analysis and. What both have in common? Plus, minus, times and divided. There are also a few foundations of mathematics, such as roots or pull the Pythagorean theorem. Man ramming the knowledge a half a year already and some more. After the next six months, you check depends what remains is: Uff ... hmm .. yes, that would have been. Why should something not even the half Year remains in it to survive an entire program? next criticism is that in most professions later nothing, absolutely nothing can be done with the oh-so-important knowledge. Why need a policeman, the probability at the highest level? To calculate how high the probability is that the burglar with a gun on you? But he need so documents in which the number of armed robberies in recent years are documented. There are also very important factors limiting the probability further. Sounds like used directly from the reality.
Religion: As for religion, has my perspective changed a little. As for the mandala to color this by now and ethical values \u200b\u200bare taught in elementary school, teaching is not as old-fashioned or glorifying religion. However, there are still issues in high school who act like this, that God the people and always affected. It is now not out of religious philosophy if not psychology!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bloons Tower Defense 4 Not Blocked By Wschool

Today I have a little gift for your ears, because this blog is not only to read there are no, now it is the first podcast. This is about one of the best known and most successful games series: the point-and-click adventure games, and especially the LucasArts adventures with me ensured euphoria.

But as you know, together less alone, I have the same time brought a guest to the Teamspeak server, which will attract each other properly by the leather, as far as LucasArts:
Have fun with our first, somewhat unsuccessful attempt to produce an audio podcast! But beware, this is also gespoilert!

Speaker: Fricke (host) the clear-thinking people. I mean who cares that someone somewhere in a German city must either: departures, known in Hollywood, or after 20 years of unemployment, will finally get a job, even though he / she has no education.
But even worse is that this will also watched yet! target groups are young people and the underprivileged, the lifting of these "broadcasts" their self-esteem and their situation is better than it is. Instead
show more knowledge of business and politics on television, are increasingly inclined to German television stations increasingly adapt to the American. It may be on MTV during the day American equivalent of the local Sendugen see where they lie in the level a bit lower.

second Casting shows
Yes, the talent shows. The Fast Food of television entertainment: fast, a lot and really cheap. Where this is not about to food, but much more humiliation at the expense of people who are shot by hubris, of "music experts" to the moon. At the end you get together a half-cooked package, of which one is, however, quickly filled. Many deserve to casting shows, but remember those whose lives have been worsened unnecessarily. While many say the jury members that sing many of the candidates first known sollten, bevor sie versuchen damit berühmt zu werden. Diese gut gemeinten Ratschläge sind aber nicht mehr als ein paar Beschwichtigungen für Kritiker, wobei diese auch nicht der Wahrheit entspricht.

Menderes ist inzwischen ein Grund weshalb Menschen DSDS gucken. Vor kurzem habe ich mich gefragt, warum er immer wieder kommt, jetzt frage ich mich, wieviel RTL ihm dafür zahlt. Gute Einschaltquoten!
3. Diverses Neben Assi-TV und Casting-Shows gibt es selbst verständlich noch vieles was das deutsche Fernshehen auf ein trauriges geistiges Niveau bringt wie Reality-TV ala Big-Brother. Zudem vielen mir viele "Kindersendungen" on trying today to teach young children foreign languages \u200b\u200bor word fragments Ramming. Thus we find English (Dora) also
(Ni hao, Kai-lan) to give preschoolers , although many first learn the German language were to decrease the school also to get by. After all, the Teletubbies are extinct, where who knows what would have happened ... German 2.0?
Tinki Tinki Winki Inki Tinki? Inki Witinki Dipsi!
If you think that television is boring and dull without these programs, which should show you some alternatives. FUN in sitcoms, where the majority still something like "the moral of the story" and also have policy can be transmitted by many satirical show with fun.
A bit of knowledge does not hurt and it would be a step in the right direction.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Combat Action Badge Placement Uniform

We continue with the semi-annual review:
Shooter: Battlefield Bad Company 2
After DICE brought the Battlefield series to consoles, also could Konsoleros for the games will be interested. In addition to classes like snipers, medics and mechanics, offers the world of BFBC2 a variety of vehicles. To save the game longer fun, a Punktesysem was set up with orders, so there are players at higher levels there that you can use the Level jenach better weapons.
The fascination but will make the fully destructible world, which campers are to eliminate without risk and can be "bombed" a whole different world rightly.

Jump & Run: Super Mario Galaxy 2
rotbemützte The plumber is back and has Yoshi in his luggage.
with the green dinosaur and a variety of costumes will be refreshed the first part and enjoying how you look at the sales figures, the highest popularity. Even though I'm not a fan of the Wii controller, it is meaningfully integrated into the game. And this ..'s it.
Eigentlich kämen jetzt noch Strategie-, Renn- oder Horrorspiele, doch da ich entweder kein gutes Spiel gefunden oder gespielt habe, müsst ihr leider auf entsprechende verzichten. Dennoch hoffe ich, dass euch mein kleiner Rückblick gefallen hat.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How To Take Apart A Castor

Die Videospielbranche floriert und das kommt uns ganz recht:
2010 ist das Jahr der Blockbuster-Spiele, in dem Spiele wie Alan Wake oder Red Dead Redemption veröffentlicht werden und einem die Geldbörse viele Ocken leichter macht.
In diesem Artikel möchte ich einen kurzen Rückblick auf das vergangene Halbjahr zeigen und euch ein paar richtig gute Spiele, die ihr vielleicht noch nicht durchgespielt, oder gar nicht kennt, vorstellen.

Adventure: Heavy Rain Das Spiel "Heavy Rain", das von quanticdream (Fahrenheit) im März veröffentlicht wurde, eröffnet dem Spieler zwar keine frei begehbare Welt, doch stattdessen besitzt man im cineastischen Meisterwerk die Möglichkeit, die Geschichte um die Jagd des Origami-Killers, in eigene Bahnen zu lenken, was man vor allem an der Tatsache ablesen kann, dass alle Charaktere jederzeit sterben können. Die von vielen bemängelte Steuerung, bei der man mit Betätigung von R2 geht, ist für mich kaum nachvollziebar, da Innovation niemals sofort verurteilt werden sollte.
Wer ein Spiel mit Wiederspielwert sucht und auf spannende Thriller is to be found in Heavy Rain is a perfection in many ways. My tip: Lend it to you first in a video store from, or ask a colleague!

it was too BORING! Phew ... now it is out ... well back to topic: God of War
While graze the Greek mythology, Dante's Inferno is based on one of the most important literary works of history: the, Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri ( Italian 2 euro coin ^ ^).
Although Dante's Inferno is a GOW clone, but the plot is advanced and the battle system interesting. Who wants to learn more accurate should read several articles reputable journals.

Open-World: Red Dead Redemption
The new game by Rockstar Games (GTA series) puts the big-city gangster story in the Wild West, where you as an outlaw the prairie, the desert, the snowy mountains and various other parts feel unsure about. While you have the plot again each x-arbitrary Hans-Wurst all possible to fulfill some stupid tasks, but there are many side missions and mini games that the events are wieder auflockern und das Spiel nie zu eintönig erscheinen lassen.
Für mich der größte Anwärter auf das Spiel des Jahres, da es sowohl grafisch, als auch spielerisch GTA 4 übersteigt.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pulse Software For Brother

Ich möchte euch eine Geschichte erzählen:
Es gab eine Zeit in der Spiele noch zum Zeitvertreib und Durchspielen programmirt wurden. Und dieses Durchspielen, ihr könnt es mir glauben, dauerte länger als eine Woche! Sogar nach dem Durchspielen, welches auf Dauer sogar nervenzerreißend oder unübersichtlich wurde, hatte man am Ende doch wieder Lust es ein weiteres Mal durchzuspielen. Leider ist diese Zeit vorbei und jene, die dieser Zeit entstammten, sehnen sich nach einer Renaissance, to them the returns that they prepared for so many years of fun:
video games without

DLC online modes
meaningless fidgeting
instead with
deep characters , continuous fun and
innovation !

The casual gaming was once a small branch
of the video game industry, today all follow Nintendo, the great pioneer, who drew both the DS and the Wii people in front of the screen, which previously spent their time doing things have, for they needed no virtual mirror images. Finally, yoga exercises by professional to teach coaches and knows nothing of a tablet. So it is with the many Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training pseudo-games that are in themselves right, but overall, only a gray uniformity of numbers and letters established. Like it can be seen even in war shooters, but this should be a different matter. Result is that developers such as Nintendo poach nurnoch in one area and development team we are Rare (Banjo-Kazooie), which for years published titles in a class, eaten by the giant video games!

From the past to the present:
Sony and Microsoft are infected: From Casual-Virus! Where it has caught
Sony Worse Anstatt etwas ganz neues zu schaffen, versucht man Eyetoy und Wii-Motion zu verschmelzen und die Steuerung auf einen leicht erhöhtes Niveau zu heben. Microsoft stellt sich geschickter an: Natal bzw. Kinect wird die Bewegungen des gesamten Körpers erkennen, doch anstatt die technischen Möglichkeiten zu nutzen, werden Spiele wie Dance Central veröffentlicht werden.Das Video sagt schon alles:

Wow...wie...klischeebedienend: Wie immer hat es Nintendo vorgemacht! Alle lieben sich, des Bruder tanzt mit seinen Schwestern vor dem im Sommer laufenden Kamin und dauergrinsende Mutter und Vater gucken amazement. There
bright spots in the industry are few and if they do exist they are either unexpected innovations such as the wave of innovation at EA that brought alongside FIFA etc. finally imaginative and interesting titles like Dead Space, or the digging of flagship titles in 3DS by Nintendo. Donkey Kong, Mario and Co. are also on Nintendo's eighth Hanndheld generation represented.
The future:

Had Fusajiro Yamauchi, the Nintendo founded in 1889 said that his games ran on electricity, he would either have been fascinated, or would have thought it witchcraft. And would you show a child of the 80s today's graphic, it would either be fascinated or ask ourselves whether our name is Marty McFly or Emmett Brown was. And if we are games / hardware of 2030 show, we would be fascinated, or ... year after year, decade after decade, continues to develop everything. In the last almost 60 years, much has developed, which was mostly good ... why should not this also apply for the next 60 years? Time will tell.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Meet The Baby Wording

Since I was small I play video games, beginning with the Game Boy, a blue brick, which could then be no more than shades of gray. Today, many years later, I play the PS3, a console-to-date
In all the years increased, however, the brain mass and the understanding of political or economic disputes, the impact on me and on the people around the world.

This blog is intended to be a multi-thematic Kollumne that combines my two favorite things: gaming and nagging

Although I will also combine both times, but both issues mostly published separately. I hope to think that this blog you / your arouses interest and fascination, or invites, and they / you will complete with a laughing and a crying eye a Arikel.

Have fun!