Tuesday, August 26, 2008

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food companies save: cheeseburger with less cheese


less ingredients, cheaper substitutes. The food industry is trying to save without noticing the consumer.
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because rising world prices for wheat and sugar are looking for, many food producers for new recipes to reduce their production costs. Expensive ingredients are replaced by cheaper alternatives, and portions are smaller. Prices remain in most cases the same or even increases, reports the Wall Street Journal. Taste and quality of which would not suffer, however, say the manufacturers. Book is also of spices, says Alan Wilson, Chief Executive of the spice suppliers McCormick: "With alternative ingredients and flavor technologies, we help food manufacturers to replace their expensive ingredients with cheaper, while maintaining the quality."

new tomatoes for the ketchup

In sweets cocoa butter is partially replaced by vegetable oil instead of milk and enzyme-modified products are used. McDonald's currently is testing more cost-effective way to prepare his double cheeseburger. Already sold in some stores that only with a slice of cheese instead of two. Burger King also plans to introduce a smaller Whopper Jr. hamburger, to cut costs, reports the Wall Street Journal. Smaller are the mini-editions of the Mars Inc. products, including M & Ms and Snickers. Ketchup giant Heinz tries contrast with specially grown, especially sweet tomatoes, reduce the addition of expensive corn syrup in ketchup. In production, this new culture is not used, however. stabilizers instead of milk

nutrition experts criticize many of the changes in the recipes. In particular, the use of stabilizers and thickeners instead of expensive low-fat milk in ice cream, cheese or milk drinks is criticized. "This is absolutely not a comparable replacement. What makes milk products so wonderful are your calcium and nutrients," says Bonnie Taub-Dix of the American Dietetic Association. Nicole Reichert from food producers Cargill considers, however, opposed to cookies and cream sauces anyway not the main supplier of vitamins and minerals are: "Weigh You have the benefits of caloric reduction through the use of substitutes for a small reduction of vitamins and minerals."


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

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hacker telephoned at the expense of U.S. authority

21.08.2008 Homeland security is a leading and long distance calls for about 12,000 dollars. Embarrassing: Of all the authority that was on the phone at their expense, had warned in 2003 against just such intrusions.

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A hacker has broken into the phone system of the United States Agency for homeland security for 12,000 dollars (8150 euros) performed long-distance calls to the Middle East and Asia . As the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced on Wednesday in Washington, the hacker said on the weekend on the voice mail system, more than 400 times in countries like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, India and Yemen. Most interviews lasted about three minutes, others up to ten minutes, as FEMA spokesman Tom Oshanski said.

The telephone company discovered the fraud and eventually severed the connection for long distance calls from FEMA training center in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The voicemail system was recently installed. This type of hacking is relatively primitive and "old school," said Jack Johnson, a security consultant. Ten to 15 years the method was widely used, now that the security precautions were being improved. "In this case it's a little embarrassing that the FEMA selbst passiert ist", sagte Johnson. Die FEMA gehört zur Behörde für Heimatsicherheit, die 2003 vor genau solchen Hackerangriffen warnte.

Monday, August 18, 2008

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Hier ein (gekürzter) Kommentar von Andreas Zumach zum Georgien-Konflikt ( taz, 15.8.2008

Der Konflikt mit Russland ist Teil eines globalen Kampfs um Öl und Gas.

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Mit seinem militärischen Vorgehen in und gegen Georgien hat Russland eindeutig gegen die UNO-Charta und das humanitäre Völkerrecht verstoßen. Doch so notwendig diese Feststellung auch ist: angesichts der realen Machtverhältnisse wirkt die Verurteilung Moskaus hilflos - und aus dem Mund so mancher PolitikerInnen und Intellektueller in westlichen Hauptstädten wie Washington, Paris und Berlin, aber auch in Warschau oder Vilnius klingt sie auch scheinheilig und verlogen. Immerhin trägt man dort eine erhebliche Mitverantwortung für die Eskalation, die zu dem heißen Krieg auf dem Kaukasus geführt hat.

Am Drehbuch für diesen Krieg wird bereits seit Anfang der Neunzigerjahre geschrieben. Damals, nach dem Disintegration of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union was that the West only briefly the vision of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev's reform of the "common European house" on. The "Conference / Organization for Security and Cooperation (C / OSCE) should" be the heart of the European architecture "for it was in the" Charter for a New Europe "in 1990 in Paris by the leaders of all 54 Member States of the CSCE was formally proclaimed. But it stayed with the rhetoric.

Andreas Zumach is taz correspondent at the UN in Geneva. Photo: taz
Indeed, Western governments have since been systematically strengthened NATO and extended it eastward to the borders of Russia, while it could deteriorate the OSCE. Rather than engage Moscow by OSCE agreed with all the rights and obligations there in Europe, the country in the NATO-Russia Council was put off for a mere appearance. With the illegal recognition of Kosovo, the U.S. and EU have created a dangerous precedent that the credibility of their criticism of Russia is undermining support for the breakaway Georgian provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. And the "anti-missile project in the vicinity to Russia's western border, to which the United States and Poland agreed on Thursday the final and is supported by the NATO explicitly sets the provocation of Moscow continued.

The conflict over the Georgian provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and the rights of minorities living there had long been resolved, he would not be part of a large energy poker game between the U.S., Russia and the EU in the Caspian basin and Central Asia. This poker began when secured the big oil companies of the United States after the end of the Soviet Union far-reaching access and development rights to the oil and gas reserves in the Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union [...].

Is the West's energy policy, the war in Georgia will be hot in the years to follow further wars in the Caucasus or Central Asia. U.S., NATO and the EU are a powerful Russia will face similar helplessly divided and incapable of action as now.

change can be so only if the West is freed as soon as possible from its slavish dependence on oil and gas by the energy efficiency significantly increased, reducing the per capita energy consumption dramatically, and above all a much greater extent than before switching to solar, wind and other renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources. Diminishing demand for Oil and gas would not only qualify Russia's current power again. It would also help the country needed to diversify its economy and exports, and weaken the power of the state power companies, which is highly problematic within society. This would also improve the conditions for development of Russia to the rule of law and democracy.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

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Notice: Account data scandal in Germany

12.08.2008 always ask how come these people again and again to their own secret code, because you have become accustomed. Because the answer is simple: The contact appeared to have landed in any address database. By a careless checking for competitions, by unreliable employee of a company whose customer you are. This is annoying, as long as it remains in telephone and direct mail attacks, but relatively harmless.

The scandal that is now brewing in Germany seems however to be of a different caliber. There, the Consumer Association of Schleswig-Holstein revealed on Tuesday that a disc containing sensitive Contact details of 17,000 German citizens have been illegally sold to third parties. In the data sets were found not only names, birth dates, addresses and telephone numbers, but the account numbers of those affected.

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went In that case, the alleged fraudsters obviously a step further. By several accounts were illegally debited money, although the parties "unequivocally rejected any participation in a game of chance," said the spokesman for the Consumer Centre Schleswig-Holstein, Thomas Hagen. Weichert sees in this case, only the tip of the iceberg. "We fear that behind every case put hundreds of other cases where people do not report. They are just as affected and may also be ripped off, "said Weichert. Where are the sensitive information is as yet unclear.

"People do not care" In Austria, a comparable case is officially unknown, Hans Zeger, president of the Argentina data shows, in conversation with the "press" but little surprise. Again and again, firms without permission in Austria DVDs get sent tens of thousands of records, he explained. also complaints from citizens who complain about unwanted callers or suspicious account activity, were known to him. The most pressing problem of privacy advocates, however, locates in the apparent indifference of the public towards the issue itself. "Basically, this is the People do not care, "he says, and confirms the Austrians a sloppy handling of their data. This is the risk that sensitive information from getting to unauthorized persons is greater now than ever. previously had any official or employees (for weight reasons), only the relevant act here, with every employee now de facto the entire customer base on the USB stick with him. Zeger fears that the "norm" could be that such large amounts of data loss or theft out to third.

Here there are ways to do something about it, he says. For example one more stringent regulation dessen, auf welche Daten einzelne Mitarbeiter tatsächlich Zugriff haben, die Gefahr bereits minimieren. Als Mindestmaßnahme fordert Zeger jedoch eine Verständigungspflicht für den Fall, dass sensible Informationen verloren gehen. Dann könnten sich die Betroffenen zumindest darauf einstellen, dass sie mit unerwünschten Anrufen oder unüblichen Abbuchungen rechnen müssen.

("Die Presse", Print-Ausgabe, 13.08.2008)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

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USA: Largest case of credit card fraud busted

06.08.2008 then sold on. U.S. Attorney General Mukasey, according to the perpetrators operated out of various countries.

are the largest and most complicated case of credit card fraud in the U.S. eleven suspects accused of having stolen the data of 40 million cardholders. The men had used sophisticated computer hacking technology to crack security systems, thereby collect large amounts of data, the U.S. Justice Department said on Tuesday (local time) with. The suspects - including U.S. citizens, Ukrainians and Chinese - were in court in three US-Staaten angeklagt.

Die Datendiebe verkauften den Angaben zufolge die Kreditkartennummern für Millionenbeträge. Die Käufer aus aller Welt hätten die Daten dann auf leere Kreditkarten geladen und damit an Automaten große Geldbeträge abgehoben. Die Angeklagten hätten sich Zugang zu drahtlosen Internet-Verbindungen von mindestens neun großen US-Einzelhändlern verschafft, um an die Nummern zu gelangen. Nach den Worten von US-Justizminister Michael Mukasey operierten die Männer von verschiedenen Ländern aus. "Durch das weltumspannende Internet können Kriminelle von praktisch überall auf der Erde aus aktiv in order to steal personal information of our citizens, "he