Friday, February 22, 2008

How To Make Survival Chapstick

What's the fuss about Ypsilanti and the Left in Hesse? The left

over the excitement about a possible link support for Andrea Ypsilanti in Hessen you can only smile still tired. While Westerwelle Niebel and spit the loudest sounds, they seem to want to displace it seems, that it is their own party by refusing to cooperate with red-green, the Left Party has ever helped in this position. The accusation of breaking campaign promises can not power, for which other coalition had a majority and would also be free from this reproach? A grand coalition would be - after the polar isere be campaigning - at least not. So it seems the red-green minority government the only way to be.

The move of the Left in Western diets and their new strength in the east have the "bourgeois camp" seem increasingly nervous. As an alliance von CDU und FDP mit den Linken denkbar unwahrscheinlich ist, stehen die Chancen für SPD und Grüne sehr gut - da sie potentiell mit jeder der anderen Parteien koalieren können. Schade nur, dass sie sich selbst noch gegen ihre eigenen Chancen sträuben.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Mount And Blade Termékkulcs


Kaum spricht Jürgen Trittin einmal von den Möglichkeiten eines rot-rot-grünen Bündnisses, schlägt ihm schon der Wind aus der Grünen-Spitze entgegen. Und erst recht versucht SPD-Chef Beck, ein linkes Dreierbündnis als unmöglich darzustellen. Was ist das Problem der etablierten (bürgerlichen) Linken mit der neuen "Linkspartei"? Stecken wirklich "nur" inhaltliche Divergenzen dahinter (Agenda-Politik, Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr)? Für viele Positionen der "Linken" scheint es auch bei der Basis von SPD und Grünen Mehrheiten zu geben - was deren führenden Politikern oft natürlich gar nicht passt.

Aber das Problem sitzt tiefer: es ist das einer grundlegenden Spaltung zwischen einer radikalen und einer reformorientierten Linken, das die deutsche Politik spätestens seit dem 1. Weltkrieg kennt. Für eine reformorientierte Politik, die das Land von innen heraus (also über das Parlament) und nicht über eine gewaltsame Revolution verändern wollte, hatten sich die Sozialdemokraten schon im späten 19. Jahrhundert ausgesprochen. Doch 1914 brach die SPD mit der Politik der II. (Sozialistischen) Internationale - die den Krieg als Fortsetzung eines bürgerlichen Imperialismus kritisiert hatte, gegen den die Sozialisten aller Länder ursprünglich vereint kämpfen wollten. Die SPD (wie viele andere sozialistische oder sozialdemokratische Parteien in Europa) brach mit diesem internationalen Prinzip und liess sich von Wilhelm II., Kanzler Bethmann-Hollweg und den bürgerlichen Parteien in eine Politik des nationalen "Burgfriedens" einbinden. Einige Kriegsgegner scherten deswegen aus der SPD aus und gründeten 1917 die USPD, die ab nach 1920 mehr oder weniger in der neu gegründeten KPD aufging. Hier war also der Grundstein für einen linken Dualismus gelegt, der vielleicht politisch unvermeidlich, jedoch für die Stabilität der Weimarer Republik nicht gerade was beneficial.

The SPD responded always been offended against dissenters left. And also in 1930 strongly influenced by Stalinist Communists were not really made for reconciliation, when they accused the Social Democrats because of their distance from Moscow "social fascism". After the 2nd World War took place in East Germany in fact a reconciliation of the SPD and the SED KPD place - but a reconciliation extorted under pressure from the USSR. In the West, however, rejected 83% of SPD members from the integration of the Communist Party in his own party. The Communist Party was banned and 1956 even after a new foundation as DKP (1968), it is always a term of existence as a minor faction among others. To wind from the left got the SPD in the 80s, however the new Green Party. Here, however, initially shunned fundamentalists soon for parliamentary reform work and a sought-after coalition partner the Social Democrats have been tamed. The government responsibility in the federal government brought new challenges and presented (as in 1914) again the question of how many concessions as a "left" must understand abverlangen party to voters. Red-Green stumbled because of their own social agenda and foreign missions of the Bundeswehr (in Yugoslavia and Afghanistan), which were felt in his own constituency as unreasonable and as a sellout of his own identity.

Sidelined be reformed to the SED, the ex-PDS and now merged with disaffected Social Democrats to the "Left Party". In fact, the current situation is thus comparable to the splitting of the SPD and Independent Social Democrats since 1917, and from the SPD and KPD 1919th However, the "left" less dogmatic than the CP, they accepted the parliamentary system and reform-oriented (in the traditional sense). It is now established as the fifth power in the federal and state - but she is shunned by the left-Civil still.

SPD and the Greens should not only show realism (because they only govern with the Left Party together can - if they do not just prefer the FDP), but also the interest in integration have more radical positions. Also SPD and the Greens may in their commitment to reform is not moving too far to the right, because that they only create further divisions of the left bearing (an old inclination). But the successful integration of the "left", it is the policy of a left-wing majority in Germany possible.